Friday, November 29, 2019

Letters to Santa

This week we learned how to write a friendly letter. Friendly letters are written for people that live far away. There are many reasons to write a friendly letter. For example, to make people feel happy, to apologize or to say thank you.
We learned the parts of a letter and then we wrote our first letter as a class and sent it to Miss Caughey's class. 

Then we wanted to write letters to SANTA! We brainstormed lots of Christmas type words that we add to our Santa letters. When we finished writing, we drew Santa some amazing pictures.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Leighton Art Centre Field Trip

On Thursday November 14,  we went to the Leighton Art Centre. It took us  one hour to get there on the school bus because it is outside of Calgary. When we got there we went into the red house which is the main studio. The red house used to be a one room school house that was moved to the property many years ago.

The first activity we did was a blind contour of our partner across from us. They turned out super funny and weird. Then we learned about our first art project which was a wire sculpture of a person. We followed the instructor, Coreen, to make sure that the proportions were correct so I didn't end up with one leg longer than the other. When the wire person was finished we got to dress our person up into its own identity. Some of us even put accessories to add details.

Then we went for a walk to see Mrs. and Mr. Leighton's house. It is now a museum and art gallery for the public to see. We learned that Mrs. Leighton loved to teach art in her house. She made batik fabric and stamps out of wood. Mr and Mrs. Leighton loved to paint mountains! It was a good place to have their house. Mr. Leighton worked for the CP Railway and would paint the landscapes he saw while travelling on the train.

Our second project was working with clay. We practiced using different tools to make textures on our clay cookie. Then we created a winter scene using what we learned. At school, we will paint our winter landscape projects when they dry.

We went on a nature walk and saw lots of different antlers and bones from animals that inhabit the area. Then we went up to a place called Echo Hill. As a team, we yelled the word "Echo" and it bounced off the mountains and came back to us so we could hear it.

It was a fun learning day!


Friday, November 8, 2019

Working with our Buddies

On Monday afternoon, we worked with our Grade 5/6 buddies. We talked about the importance and reasons that we acknowledge the land that we live on. When we gather natural materials we need to remember to say "thank you" for giving me this living thing.

Mrs. Kousouris took a class with a professor that taught her that Wy'zun (wise one) exists in nature. She wanted to bring her learning to us so that we can understand that there is a strong connection between nature and other living beings.

We began our work with designing our house for our Wy'zun. First we sketched our houses with our Big buddies and then we labelled the parts of our houses.

An example of a Wy'zun house drawing

Monday, November 4, 2019

Volunteers Needed

On Thursday November 14, 2019 Ms. Adharsingh and Miss Caughey's Grade 1/2 classrooms will be attending a field trip to the Leighton Arts Centre. Field trip forms will be going home today. Please fill out and return as soon as possible. 

I am looking for 4 parent volunteers to assist us with the trip for the day. If you are able to attend the trip and have a current police security clearance with the CBE, please let me know by email or on the form and I will contact you through email.
Thank you for your ongoing support,

Ms. Adharsingh

Halloween Activities

Thursday was an exciting day for the students with the anticipation of trick or treating that evening with friends and family. We were engaged in curriculum based activities with a Halloween twist. In the morning the story Creepy Carrots was read to the students and then with the letters in the title of the book, they were to create a repeating pattern. In the afternoon, the students challenged Ms. Adharsingh to a making words competition using the letters in
H A P P Y  H A L L O W E E N. In pairs, students were to come up with as many words as possible. The Grade 1/2's did a great job and many groups found 20 or more words. Unfortunately they were no match for Ms. Adharsingh who found 59 words. Maybe next time they will get me! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Reminder: candy needs to stay at home!