Monday, April 6, 2020

Google Classroom Information

Dear families,

Once again, I would just like to say a quick thank you for all of your support and patience as we transition to online learning! We are lucky to have such supportive families during this time.

In regards to Google Classroom, here is a quick update on what it will look like starting next week. On Sunday, the weekly schedule will be posted. This will provide a general outline that students can use as a guide to complete each task. Most tasks will be posted on Mondays; however, some may be scheduled to be posted anytime between Monday to Friday. Hopefully this way students don’t feel too overwhelmed as they learn how to navigate Google Classrooms and complete their tasks. We may also post additional tasks that are optional for students to complete on our Blog. For example, next week we will be posting an Easter art activity. Please continue to look on our Blog for any additional updates, student learning or these additional tasks.

To find information about online class meetings on Google Meet, please refer to the weekly schedule and the specific assignments on Google Classroom. We may have a meeting with everyone, but there may be times when I will instruct small groups. In this case, students will look on the assignment under the instructions on Google Classroom to determine what time their group requires to be online (Our first small group times will be on Tuesday March 7). Please try your best to help your child be online on time to help the instructions run more smoothly as some of these sessions are short to accommodate multiple groups. The meeting will continue to be called charm15 unless otherwise posted on the assignment. If your child cannot attend an online meeting, directions will be posted within the instructions portion of assignment, or we can arrange a separate time to meet on Google Meet.

I hope this information helps. I know this new transition to online learning can feel overwhelming so if you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.

Ms. Adharsingh

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